About 6 years ago or so, my boss at the time, (let's name her PATHETIC) called me in to her office. She suggested I reconsider my choice of clothes that include fishnets. I was shocked, annoyed then pissed! This coming from a woman who has the most horrific taste in EVERYTHING, mostly her clothes. Here is an example of one of Pathetic's favorite outfits: cheap ass, poorly made WHITE, patent leather open toed shoes, scuffed and dirty, with black stockings. No wait. Stockings are elegant, sexy. She wore pantyhose. Thick, ugly, reinforced toe pantyhose. The kind that come packaged in an EGG! She would pair that look with a ragged, summery peasant skirt of technicolor barf, a pilled and misshapen turtle neck with food stains, smarty accentuated with a Christmas theme vest...in JULY! You tell me who should be telling whom what to wear? It appears the bosses "assistant" (let's call her Tammy) thought because I wore fishnets, that she could wear fishnets, too. Why not? Worn smartly and with an ounce of class, they look very professional and stylish. Well, Tammy took fishnets to a whole other level. I don't have the energy to go in to the lurid details at this time. Use your imagination. Then, trash that image up by 400! I said TRASH it up or porn it up, not create some vixen looking goddess. I guess for some, that could be a good look. Whatever! She looked like a complete trailer trash hooch. Not good.
So, because Tammy had no idea how to be feminine and professional...it was MY fault Tammy was a distraction in the office. I was insulted and told Pathetic that I would NOT alter my clothing and if there was a problem, address it with Tammy. That was the last of those conversations and Tammy got fired for other reasons than being a bad C list porn star wanna be. HEE!
Lately, I've been breaking out of the mold of true fishnets and going for all kinds of textured tights instead. I should be a leg covering designer. HEY...*ouch. A thought!*
I'm going to chronicle this winter with some pix of some of the coolest leg wear I have. Who knows? I could be on to a new career!
I'll be adding to this blog. So, if you have any interest to see fun leggings...come back.

I just bought my very first pair of fishnets. have not have the courage to wear them yet but I will!! :)
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